Social representations of bioethics in epidemiologists in training
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Qualitative research
Health occupations

How to Cite

Mendieta-Izquierdo, G., Gómez-González , M. del P., & Chávez-Díaz, A. (2023). Social representations of bioethics in epidemiologists in training. Salud UIS, 55.


Introduction: Bioethics education for epidemiologists has a favorable impact on the health of communities, contributes to ethical decision making and helps promote equitable health outcomes for all populations.  Objective: to identify the SR social representations of bioethics in students of the epidemiology specialization of a university in Pereira Risaralda, Colombia.  Method: qualitative study from the theoretical approach of cognitive anthropology by means of processual, prototypical and structural analysis of Social Representations through associative techniques: free listing and peer comparison questionnaire to consolidate the content, organization and graphic representation of the SRs of 17 students of the specialization in epidemiology.  Results: For the participants, SR on Bioethics revolves around ethics for life and respect for human rights in its central core; the aspects that establish the peripheral elements of the representation are constituted by principles, morals, equity, respect and norms.  Conclusions: SR of bioethics in epidemiologists in training is broadly understood as a branch of ethics from a perspective of rights and respect for life.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Giovane Mendieta-Izquierdo, María del Pilar Gómez-González , Alexis Chávez-Díaz


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