Introduction: Measuring the level of physical activity and daily energy expenditure is a complex task since it involves various aspects of the environment, daily life and the routine of each individual. There are no low-cost tools to measure energy expenditure in Colombian wheelchair athletes. Objective: To determine the criterion validity of the PASIPD-C scale to measure the energy expenditure in wheelchair athletes. Materials and methods: Instrumental validity study, with a cross-sectional design. 44 athletes over 18 years of age in wheelchairs from different sports disciplines participated. An accelerometer was used for 7 days as a direct estimator of energy expenditure and to establish the correlation with the PASIPD-C. Sociodemographic, anthropometric and sports data were measured. The outcome variable was MET (Resting Metabolic Rate)/Hour/Day, estimated using the questionnaire and calculated using the accelerometer. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed, as well as parametric Student's t-test and ANOVA, and Snedecor's F-test. The correlation between variables was determined through the Spearman statistic. Statistical package SPSS version 24.0 was used. Results: 75 % had a normal BMI, the average age was 35.5±1.5 years, and 89 % had some acquired disability; the most frequent cause was spinal cord trauma. Pearson's correlation coefficients for the MET/hour/day variable were low (rho=0.20; p=0.177) between measurements with the accelerometer and the PASIPD-C scale. There were statistically significant differences in the energy expenditure recorded by the PASIPD-C according to the type of sport practiced. Conclusion: The PASIPD-C presented low correlations, compared to objective measurements using an accelerometer in wheelchair-dependent athletes with physical disabilities; in such a way that the level of physical activity could be underestimated through daily energy expenditure.
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