Introduction: In aging, the neuromuscular and somatosensory systems have changes that compromise postural control. These can be accentuated or premature due to physical deconditioning, and reversed or attenuated with the practice of physical exercise. Objective: to analyze the effects of two long-term interventions, one with integrated components of orientation and postural stability with another of bodybuilding exercises, on the postural oscillation of active older adults. Methodology: 56 adults participated, distributed in the physical exercise program for postural control (n = 33, 70.2±6.48 years) and bodybuilding (n =23, 68.67±4.99 years), each with a duration of 37 weeks, with a weekly frequency of 3 sessions of 60 minutes each. The postural control program developed 7 training components: sensory system, postural gymnastics, muscular resistance, rapid strength, flexibility and stability and postural orientation applied to activities of daily living and bodybuilding program 4: muscular resistance, agility, coordination and balance. Evaluations were carried out at three moments (pre-intervention, post 1 and post 2). Stability was evaluated in a stable and unstable bipodal base (use of foam), with eyes open and blindfolded, using a force platform. Variables analyzed: area, total average velocity and root mean square of the center of pressure. Results: Stability on an unstable base had a greater effect in the initial 16 weeks and a reduction in the following 18. A decrease in the area of the center of pressure, total average velocity and Room Mean Square was observed on an unstable base with visual suppression. The improvements may be due to better processing of proprioceptive and vestibular information, adaptations in the neuromuscular system, and changes in motor strategies. Conclusions: Programs similar to those applied can reduce age declines in active older adults, promote functionality and independence, and maintain quality of life during the aging process.
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