Uroscopy and art in medieval and renaissance medicine
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History of Medicine

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Rodriguez-Gomez, R. (2024). Uroscopy and art in medieval and renaissance medicine. Salud UIS, 56. https://doi.org/10.18273/saluduis.56.e:24033


Uroscopy, the ancient practice of medicine was a key player in medieval and Renaissance medicine, where art, science, and culture merged. Through color, smell, taste, and sediment, uroscopy guided clinical diagnosis and prognosis, and it became a symbol of medicine. By meticulous observation, uroscopy invoked the muses of medical science and inspired multiple artists to express themselves using various techniques such as painting, engraving, and drawing. Undoubtedly, inspiring works of art immortalized uroscopy, transcending the purely medical and becoming emblematic. This article highlights the omnipresence of uroscopy in manuscripts and historical illustrations focusing on the medieval and Renaissance periods. Additionally, it emphasizes the convergence between uroscopy and visual art, where doctors and artists shared a common space of expression. 

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