Objective: To estimate the nutritional status and risk of malnutrition of hospitalized patients in Pasto, Colombia. Methodology: A cross-sectional study was conducted at Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño. The sample comprised 400 voluntary patients that were recruited prospectively. Nutritional status was assessed with Body Mass Index (BMI) following the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria (underweight, normal, overweight and obesity). The risk of malnutrition was screened through the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) that included BMI, weight loss and acute disease. Results: The prevalence of malnutrition according to BMI was 24.5%. Malnutrition differed by age (≥65 years), social security system, civil status, offspring and education. The MUST score showed that 55% of the patients were at risk of malnutrition. Variables such as age (≥65 years), ethnicity, residency, origin, socioeconomic status, social security system, offspring, education and hospital departments were related to the risk of malnutrition. Conclusions: The present study suggests that these hospitalized patients had a high rate of malnutrition. Individuals equal and older than 65 years were the most affected having both underweight and risk of malnutrition. Therefore, there is a need to include nutritional assessment in order to prevent consequences of malnutrition in older individuals.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Diana Carolina Botina Narváez, Verónica Andrea Ayala Chacón, Ingrid Carolina Paz Zambrano, Leidy Andrea Limas Cundar, Ana Cristina Mafla