Introduction: Fascioliasis represents a serious problem for livestock production and human health in the world. In Colombia, it mainly affects bovine and sheep cattle, with few cases reported in humans. Objective: To standardize an Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent test (ELISA) in bovine, ovine, and human individuals as a screening tool of fascioliasis. Methods: 50 bovine, 50 ovine and 39 human samples with fascioliasis confirmed by serology and stool test were used. Sensitivity, specificity and concordance were calculated. Results: Sensitivity of the ELISA in humans, sheep and cattle was 100 % and specificity was of 97%, 85.2% and 96.2%, respectively; Cohen´s Kappa coefficient was >0.8 in all groups. Conclusions: Standardized ELISA test for bovine, ovine and human fascioliasis exhibited an excellent sensitivity and good specificity. We propose to carry out a large-scale validation for its ulterior use as a screening tool for the diagnosis of this parasitic infection.
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