Acute poisoning by chemical substances in Ibagué, Colombia in 2014; determination of risk factors for the hospitalization event
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drug overdose
suicide attempt

How to Cite

Vargas Vargas, J. E., Jiménez Canizales, C. E., Trujillo Abella, I. A., Ordoñez Chavarro, R., & Zamora Suárez, A. (2018). Acute poisoning by chemical substances in Ibagué, Colombia in 2014; determination of risk factors for the hospitalization event. Salud UIS, 51(1), 53–58.


Introduction: In Colombia the reports of poisonings by chemical substances have presented an ascent during the passage of the years. The increase in poisonings in Colombia implies an increase in the frequency of hospitalizations; this represents a great expense for the health system. Objective: To describe the risk factors associated with hospitalization due to poisoning in the Ibagué city reported by the public health surveillance system for the year 2014. Methods: Descriptive study of secondary source. The records of the Ibagué Secretariat of Health were used for acute poisonings in 2014. The analysis was made with the calculation of incidents by type of agent, observing the outcome of hospitalizations. Logistic regression was used to evaluate the factors associated with the outcome of at least one hospitalization. Results: The causative agent with the highest incidence was on the part of the psychoactive substances with 33.02 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. A risk factor is significantly associated with the presence of the hospitalization outcome is the oral exposure of the substance with respect to other methods. Conclusions: It should be noted, the preventive natures of poisonings, given that 40.5% are suicidal concept, followed by intoxications for addiction that represent 26.6% of cases, these represent 67.1% of all cases. In addition, the levels of primary and secondary schooling present a significant association with the outcome regarding individuals without schooling. However, the only protective factor with significant association is age.
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