What do we eat? Socioeconomic conditions and food products in Colombian households
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Social class
Cluster analysis
Public policy

How to Cite

Torres-Pabon, G. (2020). What do we eat? Socioeconomic conditions and food products in Colombian households. Salud UIS, 52(3). https://doi.org/10.18273/revsal.v52n3-2020007


The objective of this article is to analyze the products consumed by Colombian households, based on their socioeconomic conditions. The methodology used is quantitative: 1. Descriptive analysis and 2. Cluster analysis, Ward link. For this, the Household Budget survey, carried out by the Colombian National Statistics Department for 2017, will be used. The hypothesis that guides this article is: the food products consumed by households are different from each other, given their socioeconomic characteristics. The results show two large groups of household typologies: those that consume food mainly outside the home or ready-made products; and those households that distribute their household budget in food to prepare. And within those households that spend their food budget on food to prepare, 3 main groups were found. The results show social stratification and changes in the food practices of Colombian households.


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