Introduction: Food insecurity (FI) has been associated with the generation of chronic disease and as a barrier in the treatment of cancer. Food insecurity leads to nutrient-poor diets, including dietary fiber. Colon cancer in Colombia is the third cause of death and its incidence is increasing. Objective: The objective was to establish the degree of association between food insecurity and the incidence rate of colorectal cancer x 100.000 inhabitants. Methods: Ecological study carried out with information that measure the level of human, social and economic development in the territory of the 33 geodemographic units that make up Colombia. Using multiple linear regressions with colorectal cancer as the dependent variable, food insecurity as the main explanatory and other variables of the context, we established the relationship between food insecurity and colorectal cancer and predictive equations of colorectal cancer. The goodness of fit in the models was the coefficient of determination (R2) and the Bland and Alman method.
Results: Food insecurity is related in an inverse manner, and the human development Index is directly related to colorectal cancer. Two equations predict colorectal cancer with precision; Men, [colorectal-cancer = -6.38 + -0.25 * food-insecurity + 35.5 * human development Index]. Women, [colorectal-cancer = 6.47 + -0.23 * food-insecurity + 19.1* human development index]. The average difference between colorectal cancer observed versus the estimated, was -0.00 in men (95% CI: -3.13 to 3.13), and in women of -0.00 (95% CI: -4.08 to 4.08). Conclusion: Food insecurity may be in the causal pathway of colorectal cancer. Food insecurity and the human development Index predict colorectal cancer.
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