Knowledge, attitudes and practices of girls and boys on comprehensive sexual education in eight municipalities of Colombia
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Sexual Education

How to Cite

Arenas-Duque, A., Roldán-Restrepo, D., Rivera-Montero, D., Sánchez-Molano, S. M., & Rivillas-García, J. C. (2021). Knowledge, attitudes and practices of girls and boys on comprehensive sexual education in eight municipalities of Colombia. Salud UIS, 53.


Introduction: Comprehensive sexuality education enables children and adolescents to be provided with knowledge based on empirical data, skills, attitudes, and values that strengthen their empowerment processes to enjoy their right to health, well-being, and human dignity. Additionally, it allows them to understand how to protect and guarantee their rights throughout their lives. Objective: To describe the knowledge, attitudes, and practices in comprehensive sexuality education of 6,645 school age children enrolled in eight prioritized municipalities in Colombia. Methods: Eight municipalities were selected according to its sociodemographic characteristics, and indicators of teenage pregnancy and gender-based violence. The inclusion criteria were: children going to school between nine and eleven years old and habitually residing in the municipality. A Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices survey was designed, validated and applied to 5,600 families, 50 schools and 6,645 children. A descriptive analysis of the sample obtained was carried out, delving into the data obtained from the children’s survey. Results: High percentages of disagreement regarding direct violence against women were found in children’s responses, as well as validation of subtle forms of violence. Boys received more physical punishment than girls. The term sexuality is unknown by the majority of surveyed boys and girls, those who believe to understand it have discussed it mainly with their mothers and more than 20% have not spoken about it with anyone. The participating boys and girls are initiating sexual relations at an early age without prior sexuality education. Conclusions: Girls and boys internalize and reaffirm traditional gender roles and have wrong perceptions about sexuality. That is why, to develop with them decision-making skills that will have positively influence in their life projects it is necessary to deepen the meaning of sexuality and gender-based violence.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2021 Andrea Arenas-Duque, Daniela Roldán-Restrepo, Danny Rivera-Montero, Sandra Marcela Sánchez-Molano, Juan Carlos Rivillas-García


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