Uses, challenges and perspectives of visual techniques in public health research
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Qualitative research
Public Health
Visual Methods

How to Cite

Betancur-Betancur, C., & Oviedo-Cáceres, M. del P. (2022). Uses, challenges and perspectives of visual techniques in public health research. Salud UIS, 54.


Developing alternative ways of understanding social phenomena requires research methods that broaden the scope of standard interviews, focus groups and participant observation techniques. This article aims to analyze the uses, challenges and perspectives of visual techniques in the field of public health; it seeks to contribute to the enhancement of methodological options and expand the research repertoire used to understand health and disease processes in
populations. With these techniques, the research process can be more open, more democratic, more attractive and inclusive; in public health, they open possibilities for collaborative approaches and encourage the repositioning of participants as co-producers of knowledge.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Catalina Betancur-Betancur, María del Pilar Oviedo-Cáceres


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