Introduction: Non-communicable diseases occupy the first place in morbimortality in the department of Boyacá
according to recent statistics, in this group of diseases is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) situation
probably derived from the economic and occupational activity of the region. Objective: To characterize patients
with clinically stable COPD in some municipalities of the Department of Boyacá. To identify risk factors. To
determine pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment. To establish spirometric characteristics of the
studied population. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study with probabilistic random sampling between
February 2016 and December 2018. Results: 248 patients with confirmed spirometric diagnosis were selected,
male sex predominated 52.8%, average age was 75 years, average height of 1.55cm and average weight of 60Kg.
Regarding demographic characteristics, 88.3% had family support and 56.5% had primary schooling. Regarding
COPD severity, 42.3% were classified as GOLD 1, 42.7% GOLD 2, 13.3% GOLD 3 and 1.6% GOLD 4; no significant differences were established in FVC and FEV1/FVC parameters between groups, while FEV1 decreased in all groups. It was observed that the medication they receive is in the form of monotherapy, dual therapy or triple therapy. Conclusions: It was evidenced that almost half of the patients in the 4 groups reported indoor air pollution, an aspect similar to occupational exposure to particulate matter; no significant differences were evidenced in FVC parameters and FEV1/FVC ratio between groups; non-pharmacological measures focus on vaccination and oxygen therapy and pharmacological measures in the administration of monotherapy and triple therapy in greater proportion; finally, about 20% of patients in each of the groups do not receive pharmacological treatment.
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Copyright (c) 2022 María del Pilar Rojas-Laverde, Alba Yanira Polanía-Robayo, Marcela América Roa-Cubaque, Sandra Patricia Corredor-Gamba, Leidy Carolina Pirachicán-Soto