Introduction: Type 2 Diabetes is identified as one of the main diseases of concern in Mexico. Therefore, this problem must be approached from different perspectives. One perspective would be the understanding of the illness
based on patient experience, which promotes health care coherent with patients with type 2 diabetes. Objective: To
investigate the experiences in patients with type 2 diabetes and their relationship with nutritionists in first level of care. Methods: Qualitative study under a phenomenological approach, carried out in first level care units in Mexico. The information was collected through audio recorded during semi-structured interviews with patients meeting the selection profile. Data was processed using the content analysis technique. Results: A recurrent experience identified was that patients were alone at the time the diagnosis was received, and they lacked family support in
meeting dietary requirements; however, male patients had the support of women in their family, who provided care.
Economic and labor elements affected the success of the nutritional treatment; also the search of erroneous strategies to compensate for the failure to follow dietary requirements. The most valued aspect by patients in their relationship with nutritionists was the trust; however, the nutritionists rarely inquired about the patient´s psychosocial barriers and rarely discussed the nutritional treatment with patients. Finally, many patients suffer because hospitals have inadequate infrastructure for nutritional medical care, and that affects their privacy. Conclusions: Reviewing the
barriers, the needs and the patient´s perspectives would facilitate the reduction of obstacles, increase control and
adherence to nutritional treatments. It is fundamental to design health policies and procedures oriented towards
coherent sanitary experiences amongst patients.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adriana Rugeles-Estupiñan, Maria del Carmen Gogeascoechea-Trejo, Patricia Pavón-León, María Sobeida Leticia Blázquez-Morales