Systematization of experiences of a team of interviewers during a pilot test in humanized childbirth
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parto humanizado;
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How to Cite

Bermúdez-Quintana, E. M., Mejía-Merino, C. M., Morales-Giraldo, L. J., Cano-Bedoya, L., & Cantillo-Barrios+, L. E. (2022). Systematization of experiences of a team of interviewers during a pilot test in humanized childbirth. Salud UIS, 54.


Introduction: This systematization gathers the richness of the field notes written by seven interviewers from seven
cities in Colombia (Bogotá, Medellin, Cali, Barranquilla, Bucaramanga, Manizales and Pasto), carried out during a
test pilot, where their dynamics and learning were recognized. Objective: To systematize experiences of itineraries to the territories, as well as childbirth from the voices of the interviewers. Methods: The methodological process presented three phases designed to follow the methodology of systematization of experiences. Reconstruction phase; interpretation phase and experience empowerment phase. Results: Three categories of analysis were evidenced: the journey and the environment, the convergences in motherhood and the experience of childbirth. Conclusions: The field notes of the pollsters became a primary source of inhomogeneous and highly diverse information. It became essential to analyze their experiences during their transfers to the fields and thus apply an intersectoral approach to understand and interpret what they heard from the surveyed mothers: warm and respectful circumstances when receiving clinical care of childbirth, as well as situations of abuse in obstetric care that are and have been culturally hierarchical by the medicalization of childbirth, constituting a subordinate position towards the patient.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Elba María Bermúdez-Quintana, Cristina María Mejía-Merino, Leidy Johanna Morales-Giraldo, Laura Cano-Bedoya, Ligia Esther Cantillo-Barrios+


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