Introduction: Youth represents a period of vulnerability accompanied by physical and psychological changes that
predispose individuals to risky sexual behaviors, from a context in which the quality of education in sexual and
reproductive health does not meet the needs of the population. Objective: To identify the association between risky sexual behaviors in university women and their satisfaction with the information they have received on sexual and reproductive health throughout their lives. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study applied to a convenience sample of 182 university students. Variables related to sociodemographic characteristics, risky sexual behaviors, sources of information and satisfaction with the information received on sexual and reproductive health were analyzed. The association between the variables was determined by applying the chi2 test (p<0.05) and the OR
statistical measure. Results: Sexually active women predominated (70.3%) and women who did not want to get
pregnant at the time of being surveyed (98.9%);. 10.9% of the women surveyed, are sexually active, do not plan and
do not want to get pregnant, the source of education that prevailed were the professionals of health (75.3%). There
was no significant discrepancy between the percentage of women satisfied with the information they received (51%)
and those who were not satisfied (49%). No association was found between risky sexual behaviors and satisfaction
with the information on sexual and reproductive health received throughout their lives, considering that this does not fully represent quality education. Conclusión: The students enrolled in universities located in the city of Medellín show risky sexual behaviors that are not associated with the satisfaction they have with the information on sexual and reproductive health that they have obtained throughout their lives.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Andrea Mejía, Lina María Oliveros-Riveros, Elsa M. Vásquez