Efects of the pandemic for COVID-19 on social determinants of families in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area
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Child health
Child welfare
Family health
Coronavirus infection
Mental health
Health services accessibility
Access to information
Public health

How to Cite

Niederbacher-Velasquez, J., Vera-García , A. I., Liévano-Muñoz, P., Bernate-León, M. I., Vanegas-Gómez, M., Flórez-Moreno, S. F., Gómez-Gómez, G. A., Niño-Meza, Óscar J., & Niño-Saavedra, D. L. . (2023). Efects of the pandemic for COVID-19 on social determinants of families in the Bucaramanga metropolitan area. Salud UIS, 55. https://doi.org/10.18273/saluduis.55.e:23054


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has brought great changes along with, some of those were at the socioeconomic level, as a result of the actions taken to mitigate the virus expansion, which involved the closure of schools and restriction in accessing to some health services. However, there is not much information regarding the impact that these measures have had on the health and well-being of children and adolescents, for this reason, a virtual survey was developed to find out the dimension of the pandemic’s effect on the comprehensive welfare of minors and families. Methodology: Cross-sectional observational study, which was carried out by applying a survey in electronic format to parents of children and adolescents in the Metropolitan Area of Bucaramanga. Results: A total of 960 responses were obtained. Of those surveyed, 25,63% refer cancellation of medical appointments. The 98% of students were able to continue academic activities during isolation. The economic factor was the main cause of concern in the survey period. Discussion: During the isolation period, mental health problems, difficulties in accessing tools for virtual education and barriers to care, typical of the health emergency, caused a significant effects on the quality of life of youngsters. Conclusions: In the event of health emergencies, health care services should be maintained in the same way as before the occurrence of the event, such as vaccination, growth and development, promotion and prevention programs, in addition to the continuity of schooling.

PDF (Español (España))


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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Jurg Niederbacher-Velasquez, Ana Ilce Vera-García , Patricia Liévano-Muñoz, Maria Isabel Bernate-León, Marinela Vanegas-Gómez, Silvia Fernanda Flórez-Moreno, Gustavo Adolfo Gómez-Gómez, Óscar Javier Niño-Meza, Diana Lizeth Niño-Saavedra


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