Promotion of medical professionalism in the training of medical students
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Education, Medical

How to Cite

Pérez Garcia, R., & Pérez Garcia, M. (2023). Promotion of medical professionalism in the training of medical students. Salud UIS, 55.


Ethical training should not be considered only as a theoretical subject in the medical curriculum, but constitutes the very nature of medical practice, and, therefore, the aims and objectives of medicine as a profession should be defined from the point of view ethical. This ethical foundation is justified by the need to provide reasoned answers to the reasons for clinical decisions and actions; and, on the other hand, interpersonal communication is facilitated between the doctor tutor and the student, promoting mutual respect and compliance with patients' rights. From this perspective, the medical student can perceive and learn what it means to be a good doctor, which will allow them to shape their professional identity.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rosario Pérez Garcia, Manuela


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