Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of semipurified fractions isolated from the mucous secretion of Achatina fulica against different microorganisms
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Achatina fulica
Mucous secretion
Antimicrobial activity
Staphylococcus aureus
Escherichia coli
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

How to Cite

Hidalgo-Bucheli, W. F., Suárez-Largo, L. A. ., & Uribe-Delgado, N. . (2024). Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of semipurified fractions isolated from the mucous secretion of Achatina fulica against different microorganisms. Salud UIS, 56. https://doi.org/10.18273/saluduis.56.e:24042


Achatina fulica, a terrestrial mollusk, is considered a pest which represents a risk to the environment and human health; however, its mucous secretion represents an important source of bioactive molecules, with potential in the biomedical field. The objective of this study was to obtain semi-purified protein fractions from mucus secretion and evaluate their antimicrobial activity. The mucus secretion of A. fulica was homogenized with PBS with protease inhibitors. Separation was performed with Sephadex G-25 to remove salts and impurities, and the biological crude was lyophilized for subsequent analysis and separation by reverse-phase liquid chromatography. The chromatographic fractions, as well as the mucous secretion, were evaluated for antimicrobial activity against different microorganisms using the broth microdilution technique. The chromatographic fractions were additionally analyzed by MALDI-TOF. A total of five fractions were collected by semi-preparative liquid chromatography. All the fractions obtained, as well as homogenized mucous secretion and the crude obtained by G-25 were determined for the inhibition percentage against the study strains. Fraction F-01 showed the highest antimicrobial effect against S. aureus CMPUJ015, with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 50% of the population of 628.6 μg/ mL. However, no significant biological activity was determined against the other microorganisms tested. Mass spectrometric analysis of fraction F-01 identified the presence of a possible antimicrobial peptide corresponding to an m/z value of 2145.237 [M+H+]. The antimicrobial effect of chromatographic fractions derived from the mucous secretion of A. fulica was evaluated against different microorganisms of interest, where the F-01 fraction showed a higher inhibitory effect mainly against S. aureus.

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Copyright (c) 2024 William Fernando Hidalgo-Bucheli, Libardo Andrés Suárez-Largo, Nelson Uribe-Delgado


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