The working environment: An assessment of psychosocial risks and the mental workload in traffic control workers
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Occupational risk
workers health
work load
psychosocial impact
public health

How to Cite

Pacheco Ferreira, A. (2017). The working environment: An assessment of psychosocial risks and the mental workload in traffic control workers. Salud UIS, 49(4), 567–576.


Introduction: The psychosocial risk factors of work as stress, workload, socioprofessional relations difficulties, and inadequate conditions, can be considered variables that interfere in the mental and physical health of the employee. Objective: It was analysed the influence of psychosocial factors and mental load on traffic control workers. Methods: The sample consisted of 79 traffic control workers belonging to the Municipal Guard of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, in 2015. Data collection was conducted using questionnaires: (a) socio-demographic; (b) COPSOQ; and (c) WHOQOL/Bref. Results: Regarding the socio-demographic factors that influence the psychosocial risks, the factors of the non-practice of physical activities, alcohol use and psychoactives were more important. Psychosocial risks in COPSOQ analysis, there was a risk to health factors: work rate, emotional demands and stress. In applying of WHOQOL/Bref had average of 60.3 points for the overall question of satisfaction with health. Conclusions: This research has shown the need for better working conditions for transit agents, which may be reflected in addressing and improving the performance of operational functions in this category.
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