Children and adolescents exposed environmentally to mercury in different municipalities in Colombia
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environmental exposure
biological samples

How to Cite

Palma Parra, R. M., Muñoz Guerrero, M. N., Pacheco García, O. E., Ortiz Gómez, Y., & Diaz Criollo, S. M. (2018). Children and adolescents exposed environmentally to mercury in different municipalities in Colombia. Salud UIS, 51(1), 43–52.


Objective: It was proposed to establish the environmental exposure to mercury, to identify the impact on the health of the population of children and adolescents in four departments of Colombia. Methodology: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out between 2014 - 2015, in eleven municipalities of the departments of Bolívar, Sucre, Antioquia and Córdoba and within this a nested study was carried out with a group of 63 children and 37 adolescents from these municipalities. Results: Average residence time between 6 and 9 years and it was found a high frequency of fish consumption. 6.3% of children and 29.7% of adolescents exceeded the allowable limit of mercury in blood and 50.8% of children and 46.0% of adolescents exceeded the permissible limit on hair. Regarding the symptoms referenced by the participants, there was a statistically significant difference (p> 0.05) between the population of children and that of adolescents in excessive salivation (15.9%), hair loss (18.7%), insomnia (29.0%), nervousness (19.6%), weakness (18.0%) and memory loss (17.3%). Metallic taste in the mouth (8.4%), weight loss (23.4%), tremor (21.5%), concentration problems (17.9%) and chest pain (17.9%) did not show difference between the two groups. Conclusions: children and adolescents who reside in areas of gold exploitation or influenced by gold mining are exposed to mercury, which implies a high risk to their health.
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