Current Colombia’s Atlantic Coast in Lusitanian – german and iberian – italic cartographies from the first quarter of XVI Century Carlos Andrés Quinche Castaño 15-42 PDF (Español (España))
An economic alternative for the campechana entity in Mexico: The ports during the Reform War (1858-1860) Miriam Edith León Méndez, Emilio Rodríguez Herrera 43-69 PDF (Español (España))
Conflicts and agreements in the Madero dam: the first organizational experiences in Huichapan, Hidalgo, Mexico, 1900-1956 Benito Benedetto Pérez Mendoza, Virginia Cabrera Becerra, Mónica Erika Olvera Nava, Lilia Varinia Catalina López Vargas 71-92 PDF (Español (España))
Stone houses or La Tunita: between patrimonialization and mega mining (Sierra de Ancasti, Catamarca, Argentina) Luciana Fernández 93-114 PDF (Español (España))
The little girl who didn’t want to be black. Maria Mazarello Rodrigues and Mazza Edições: a history of the book in Brazil from dictatorship to law 10 639 Antoine Huerta 115-128 PDF (Español (España))
The Insufficiencies of Radical Relativism and the Potential of Moderate Relativism Hugo Celso Felipe Alberto Mansilla Ferret d’Arau 129-141 PDF (Español (España))
La integración de la cultura oriental a los estudios literarios peruanos. Entrevista a la docente investigadora Daisy Isabel Saravia Chumbimune Jesús Miguel Delgado del Águila 143-148 PDF (Español (España))
Landmarks and memoirs. A conversation with Pablo Montoya Campuzano during the Colombian social strike of 2021 Sonia Milena Pineda Rodríguez 149-161 PDF (Español (España))