Vol. 23 No. 1 (2022): January - June

Augmented reality in the representation of organs of the human body

Durley Lizzeth Pineda Pineda
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Paul Andrés Ospina
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Milena P
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Gil Lorduy-Castro
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Derly Rocio Aldana
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Efraín Hernando Pinzón
Universidad de Santander, Colombia
Edificio de Lógistica UIS

Published 2022-07-15


  • Natural sciences,
  • Augmented Reality,
  • Learning Strategies,
  • human body,
  • anatomy

How to Cite

Pineda Pineda, D. L. ., Ospina, P. A., Milena P, Lorduy-Castro, G., Aldana, D. R., & Pinzón, E. H. . (2022). Augmented reality in the representation of organs of the human body. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 23(1), 87–98. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v23n1-2022006


This article is based on the results of the research work called “didactic strategy mediated by Augmented Reality to strengthen the representation competence of various systems and organs of human beings with fourth grade students of the I.E.R Monserrate”, The project It originated after showing little interest and appropriation of concepts in the area of natural sciences, added to the implementation of traditional teaching strategies by teachers, which do not motivate stunts, no are they allowing meaningful learning, impacting on low results. obtained in tue internas and externar tesis of the Institution. This problem gives rise to the search for solutions, proposing Augmented Reality as a didactic alternative together with virtual platforms such as AnatomyAr and KhanAcademy, which allow the concepts seen in class to be easily associated with reality, motivating collaborative, autonomous and participatory learning in the processes. teaching. This mixed type research applies information collection instruments such as observation, interviews and questionnaires, which were applied to 12 fourth grade students, showing a positive impact, contributing to the development of competencies that, when applied in different situations, strengthened the comprehension and appropriation skills of concepts related to the organs of the human body.


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