Vol. 23 No. 2 (2022): julio - diciembre

Augmented reality as a strengthening strategy in physical education

Yecid Palacio
Institución Educativa San Agustín de Samaná Caldas; Universidad de Santander Colombia
María Pérez
Institución Educativa San Agustín de Samaná Caldas; Universidad de Santander - Colombia
Jackeline Calderón
Institución Educativa San Agustín de Samaná Caldas; Universidad de Santander - Colombia
Jaime Martínez
Institución Educativa San Agustín de Samaná Caldas; Universidad de Santander - Colombia
Diana Pachón
Institución Educativa San Agustín de Samaná Caldas; Universidad de Santander - Colombia
Efraín Hernando Pinzón
Universidad de Santander - Colombia

Published 2022-12-31


  • Technology,
  • augmented reality,
  • physical education,
  • athletics,
  • academic performance

How to Cite

Palacio, Y. ., Pérez, M. ., Calderón, J., Martínez, J. ., Pachón, D., & Pinzón, E. H. . (2022). Augmented reality as a strengthening strategy in physical education . Revista Docencia Universitaria, 23(2), 21–32. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v23n2-2022003


The article shows how the seventh-grade students of the San Agustin educational institution improve academic performance in the subject of athletics in the area of ​​physical education through a learning environment involving augmented reality. the methodology used in the framework of the research was through a mixed approach. Data collection was carried out through the application of diagnostic tests, which allowed the organization of information and the analysis and measurement of results. To achieve the objective and validate the hypothesis, a diagnosis is made, through a Google form to collect information and investigate the student's deficiencies in the subject of augmented reality and athletics. For the design phase, dynamic and effective teaching strategies were implemented to integrate content and tools according to the identified needs. An exploration phase in which precise instructions are given on how to download the different applications based on augmented reality. An application phase, where the relevance of student learning on the subject of athletics is tested and finally the organization of results, where a detailed analysis of the research is carried out, thus giving the verification of the hypotheses raised and the formulation of conclusions. With this research, it was possible to conclude that augmented reality is a great tool to improve teaching-learning processes in ​​physical education, since observing the results of the post-test improved the percentages in the different applied variables.


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