Current IssueVol 23, No 2 (2024): July - December

Published July 4, 2024

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Universidad Industrial de Santander. Apartado Aéreo 678. Bucaramanga (Santander) Colombia.

Print ISSN: 1692-2484

Online ISSN: 2145-8529

ISSN-L: 1692-2484

It is typical from philosophy to associate with the world of knowledge; it is a professionalizing issue when you are on the side of thinking and practice. This demand comes from its reason to exist and there must be an open view to its work possible due to the demanding and non-stop deepening and in the world of action. Acting is what means to the wise philosophy, constant action is a demand of the reflection discipline. In brief: thinking and acting are the verbs that make unity in the philosophy nature and its absence breaks the uniqueness of its essence. One of the intentions of the project this Philosophy Journal is to make visible the mentioned unity, This journal is open access and free.