Development and results of the institutional response at UIS for the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and 2021
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Rodríguez-Villamizar, L. A., Sosa-Ávila, L. M., Zafra-Carrillo, L. H., Rodríguez-Medina, J., Prada-Albarracín, V. M., & Vera-Cala, L. M. (2022). Development and results of the institutional response at UIS for the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and 2021. Salud UIS, 54.


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has required the institutional response of different organizations to
mitigate its effects. Objective: To describe the institutional response process for the COVID-19 pandemic at the
Universidad Industrial de Santander (UIS) and analyze the results of the processes implemented during 2020 and
2021. Methodology: Descriptive mixed study with a qualitative component of the organization and development of the institutional response, and a descriptive quantitative component of the analysis of suspected and confirmed cases of COVID-19. Results: The UIS institutional response began in March 2020. The plan included academic and employment guidelines and adaptations, a response plan that included 6 action components and a gradual return to attendance. During 2021, 272 cases were confirmed in employees and professors, and 208 cases in students with a trend that reflected the dynamics of local transmission, but with lower lethality. Conclusions: The UIS institutional response to the COVID-19 epidemic began early and included different components that allowed for a progressive return with low transmission. The aspects to improve were related to the coverage, quality and continuity of timely diagnosis and care related to competencies and fragmentation of the health system, and the visibility of the plan and its results within the university community.
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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2022 Laura Andrea Rodríguez-Villamizar, Luis Miguel Sosa-Ávila, Luz Helena Zafra-Carrillo, Janeth Rodríguez-Medina, Viviana Marcela Prada-Albarracín, Lina María Vera-Cala


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