Introduction: Across the world, aging in the elderly is accompanied by an increase in pathologies, caused by mobility restrictions, physical and psychological problems that characterize the fragile state. Objetive: To analyze the spatial distribution of frail people aged ≥60 years in Pereira, a Colombian city. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study including 505 participants. Regarding geolocation, Google Earth and Qgis 2.16 software were used to create maps by neighborhoods and blocks and maps according to frailty. Results: In total, 4.4% of the people aged ≥60 years were classified as at risk of frailty, of which a significant relationship was found with disability, nutritional status and falls with a mean age of 71 years. Frailty distribution was shown to be unequal in the city’s neighborhoods, with women being more frequently affected. Conclusions: The information will favor public health decision makers to plan and manage strategies to meet the needs of the population, whose geolocation will allow to provide better living conditions in old age.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Víctor Hugo Arboleda-Campo, Diana Isabel Muñoz-Rodríguez, Dorys Cardona-Arango, Ángela Segura-Cardona, Carlos Arturo Robledo-Marín, Doris Alejandra Segura-Cardona, Erika Alejandra Giraldo-Gallo