Vol. 22 No. 1 (2021): January - June

Scientific Education at the university: teaching conceptions on learning

María Basilisa García
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata
Sofia Sol Martin
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata

Published 2021-06-30


  • science education,
  • conceptions,
  • learning,
  • teachers,
  • university

How to Cite

García, M. B., & Martin, S. S. (2021). Scientific Education at the university: teaching conceptions on learning. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 22(1), 23–39. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v22n1-2021002


This work explores and characterizes the conceptions of university professors' learning about careers in exact and natural sciences, understood as subjective theories with a certain implicit character. Sixteen in-depth interviews were held.  The content analysis of the same was carried out, through the constant comparative method, then elaborates categories located between two great criteria: learning as information reproduction and learning as abstraction and construction of meanings. Under these approaches, we mention four categories that describe conceptions of learning in two-dimensional terms: what is learned and how it is learned. It is concluded that there are different learning concepts in the University, closer to one or the other approach, some of them show contradictions between what is learned and how it is learned. The importance of promoting training instances where teachers explain their conceptions of how they understand learning and eventually re-write them towards formats closer to constructive theories is evident.


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