Perception of the students of the programs of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Technology in regency of pharmacy and medicine of the University of Antioquia about the therapeutic use of cannabinoids
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Cannabis sativa
medical marijuana

How to Cite

Lopera Londoño, C., Pino Marín, D., Ceballos, M., & Amariles, P. (2018). Perception of the students of the programs of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Technology in regency of pharmacy and medicine of the University of Antioquia about the therapeutic use of cannabinoids. Salud UIS, 50(3), 215–223.


Introduction: Cannabis sativa (marijuana) contains approximately 60 cannabinoids, of which, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the most studied component to be used for medicinal purposes. Adequate knowledge by citizens of this therapeutic strategy is a key process to guarantee the acceptance and the good adherence to the treatment. Objective: To establish the perception of undergraduate students of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Technology in Regency of pharmacy and medicine of the University of Antioquia, as regards to the use of cannabis extracts products as medicinal treatment. Method: Observational cross-sectional study, based on surveys to students through an online form. Results: 374 surveys were obtained, 232 (62%) from students of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology in Regency of Pharmacy, and 142 (38%) from Medicine. 222 (59.4%) of the students were female, with a mean age of 22.5 years, and 348 (94%) live in low and middle socioeconomic strata. It was found that students claim to have inadequate knowledge regarding the use of medical marijuana, the use of medicinal cannabinoids, regulation and safety. Related to the opinion of the medicinal use, 356 (95.2%) respondents agreed. Conclusions: Most of the students report inadequate knowledge about the use of therapeutic cannabinoids. In addition, most students agree with the use of medical marijuana.
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