Vol. 25 No. 1 (2024): enero - junio

The reflexive modalities in teacher education students: case study of a future Chemistry teacher

Tatiana Pujol-Cols
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
Guillermo Cutrera
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina
María Basilisa García
Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Published 2024-01-30


  • Teacher Reflection,
  • Lesson Planning,
  • Professional Growth of Teachers

How to Cite

Pujol-Cols, T., Cutrera, G., & García, M. B. (2024). The reflexive modalities in teacher education students: case study of a future Chemistry teacher. Revista Docencia Universitaria, 25(1), 61–75. https://doi.org/10.18273/revdu.v25n1-2024004


In this work, we explore how a future Chemistry teacher reflects on their processes during the planning stage of a didactic sequence within the context of a Teaching Residency. The study is of an exploratory-descriptive nature and is based on the content analysis of class journals written by a resident during the pre-active stage of teaching. The prioritized writing modalities during this stage are analyzed, and the interactions between the different dimensions of professional knowledge are explored in terms of the training domains proposed by the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth (ICMTPG). The results demonstrate a preference for writing modalities with little reflection and, in terms of ICMTPG, mediations that do not tend to promote changes in the Personal Domain of the future teacher. These results highlight the need to promote instances, during the teaching residency, that allow for a deeper examination of the decisions made by the practitioners during the planning stage.


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