Salud UIS

Current Issue

Vol. 56 (2024)
Published March 21, 2024

Field: Health sciences 
Frecuency: Continuous publication
ISSN: 0121-0807 | eISSN: 2145-8464

Article Research and Innovation

Lourdes Andrea Castillo-Moreno, Oscar Leonardo Ramírez-Suárez, Adriana Patricia Corredor-Figueroa
Proposal for an information management system to improve the efficiency of the prevention-and-early-detection process of breast cancer in Colombia
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Olga Lucía Pinzón-Espitia, Johanna Xiomara Uribe-Bustos
Nutritional profile of pediatric patients hospitalized and seen for nutrition consultation
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Nydia Nina Valencia-Jiménez, Jorge Eliecer Ortega-Montes, Adriana Cecilia Cordero-Valencia
Relationship between knowledge, practices and participation in dengue prevention with individual and contextual factors in Colombia
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Mauricio Medina-Garzón, Jefferson Rosendo Navarro-Córdoba
Self-efficacy in patients scheduled for knee replacement surgery: A controlled clinical trial
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Liliana Orozco-Castillo, Diana Paola Betancurth-Loaiza, Alexandra Giraldo-Osorio
Peasant family: food unites and feeds
Aminta Stella Casas-Sánchez, Claudia Patricia Serrano-Ruiz
Design of a website as support for the development of telehealth modalities in physiotherapy
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Jerónimo Londoño-Prieto, Paola Vernaza-Pinzón, Rosa Amalia Dueñas-Cuellar, Victoria Eugenia Niño-Castaño, Angie Katherine Rivera-Gómez
Academic stress in university students: The silent epidemic in a health sciences faculty
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Jorge Homero Wilches-Visbal, Midian Clara Castillo-Pedraza
Evaluation of the historical production of Colombian dentistry authors in SCOPUS
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Zulma Urrego-Mendoza, Angie Carolina Natib-Rosero, Geraldine Ramírez-Cuervo
Mental and psychosocial health in survivors of the Bojayá massacre: a narrative study of topics
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Brigitte Migdolia Prieto-Bocanegra, María Paula Rincón-Arango
Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of postpartum women, Boyacá, Colombia, 2021
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Nelci Becerra-Martínez, Ruth Asceneth Falla-Rivas, Isabel Cristina Zapata-Soto, Diana Rojas, Yenny Carolina Sánchez-Casas, Lorena Castro-Bonilla, Alberto Márquez, Mauricio Serra-Tamayo
Satisfaction with telehealth care during the COVID-19 pandemic in outpatients
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Lina María García-Zapata , Mercy Soto-Chaquir, Ana Milena Galarza-Iglesias, Liliana Cristina Morales-Viana
Adaptation of an evaluation model for complex interventions in public health
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Francy Cantor-Cruz, Johana Benavides-Cruz, Marcela Erazo-Muñoz, Juan Sebastián Herrera-Alvárez, Marina Alejandra Torres-Hernández, Ana María Castillo-Gutiérrez, Diana Patricia Aranguren-Aranguren, Adriana Acosta-Martínez
Exploring the experience of a hospital care strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative
Marcia Andrea Quiñonez-Mora, Luz Stella Bueno-Robles
Coping capacity and adaptation in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
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Diego Fernando Rosero-Medina, Ingrid Yolercy Troche-Gutiérrez, Luz Omaira Gómez-Tovar
Frequency, risk factors and characteristics of nursing students with intent to drop out of school
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Diego Ivar Álvarez-Hernández, Gerardo Álvarez-Hernández , Mónica Paola Espinoza-Molina , Brenda Judith Millanes-Campa , Patricia Aranda-Gallegos , Maria del Carmen Candia-Plata
Examining social disparities in COVID-19 related deaths through verbal autopsies in Sonora, Mexico
Miguel Ángel Campo-Ramirez, Carlos Andrés Quiroz-Mora, Mauricio Hernández-Carrillo
Convergent validity of the PASIPD-C scale with a measure of objective energy expenditure in wheelchair athletes
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Andrea Paola Cruz-Moreno, Lucy Marcela Vesga-Gualdrón
Validation of an instrument that measures risky sexual behaviors online
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Jennifer Rojas-Reyes, Mauricio Arias-Rojas
Perceptions of nursing teachers about their interpersonal competence
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Víctor Hugo Arboleda-Campo, Diana Isabel Muñoz-Rodríguez, Dorys Cardona-Arango, Ángela Segura-Cardona, Carlos Arturo Robledo-Marín, Doris Alejandra Segura-Cardona, Erika Alejandra Giraldo-Gallo
Description of elderly people with frailty in the city of Pereira, 2021
Valentina Lopera-Giraldo, Madelen López-López, Juan Camilo Mejía-Giraldo
How much do commercial sunscreens protect us? in vitro evaluation of photoprotection claim of products marketed in Colombia
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Jorge Estrada, Juliana Madrigal-Cadavid, Alejandra Rendon-Montoya, Carlos Alberto Gómez-Mercado, Erika Alejandra Giraldo-Gallo, Doris Cardona-Arango, Angela María Segura-Cardona
Prevalence, associated causes, and explanatory variables of non-adherence of generic imatinib in chronic myeloid leukemia
Nancy Viviana Torres-Díaz, Bairon Steve Peña-Alfaro
Validity and reliability of the Colombian version of the individualized care scale patient
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Sergio Andrés Gutiérrez-Moreno, Andrea Arciniegas, Jaime Alejandro Hincapié-García, Elkyn Johan Granados-Vega, Mónica Rivera-Cadavid, Pedro Amariles
Identification of influencers and characterization of the advertising of drugs and dietary supplements in Instagram.
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Alejandra María Franco-Jiménez
Long duration exercise decreases the body oscillations in active older adults
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Gustavo Edgardo Jiménez-Hernández, Yesenia Margarita Peña-Jaramillo
Nursing workload in respiratory care units for COVID-19 patients
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Nicolás Alvarez-Merlano, Valentina Dickson-Taborda
Psychometric properties of the Paykel Suicidal Ideation Scale in Colombian adolescent mothers
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Paula Estefanía Gutiérrez-Cuervo, Isabel Cristina Florez-Escobar, Mónica Paola Quemba-Mesa, Camilo Eduardo Bautista-Saavedra, Leidy Yemile Vargas-Rodríguez
Breastfeeding cessation in primigestating women: A phenomenological study
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Adriana Yolima González-Quintero, Leidy Mariana Luna-Flórez, Diana Marina Camargo-Lemos, María Solange Patiño-Segura
Risk of falls and health-related quality of life in non-institutionalized older adults
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Yolima Manrique-Anaya, Shirley Fernández-Aragón , Keydis Ruidiaz-Gómez, Katty-Dayana Escobar-Velásquez
Knowledge and practices about breastfeeding in mother’s resident in the rural area of Sucre
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Maria Alejandra Pérez-Gómez, Consuelo Vélez-Álvarez
Social determinants in health and nutritional status in indigenous’ early childhood: Risaralda, Colombia
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Sandra Helena Suescún-Carrero, Silvia Juliana Valdivieso-Bohórquez, Sandra Avila-Panche, Andrey Ucros-Alvarez, Maria Juliana Rolon-Rojas
Coinfection by SARS-CoV-2 with other viruses in patients from health institutions in the department of Boyacá, 2021-2022
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Alejandra Lopera-Escobar, Jessica María Ayala-Hernández, Sandra Yaned Cadavid-Mazo
Training of community health promoters for deaf people in Antioquia, Colombia
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William Fernando Hidalgo-Bucheli, Libardo Andrés Suárez-Largo, Nelson Uribe-Delgado
Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of semipurified fractions isolated from the mucous secretion of Achatina fulica against different microorganisms
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Laura Yinneth Ávila-Durán, Erika Julieth Blanco-Flórez, Luz Marina Lizarazo-Forero
Bacterial and fungal contamination of indoor air and its relationship with sick building syndrome
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Norma C. Serrano, Claudia C. Colmenares-Mejía, Paula K. Bautista-Niño, Diana Paola Suárez, Isail Salazar-Acosta, Angie Y. Serrano-García, Ligia Meneses, Olga L. Sopó-Rincón, Doris Cristina Quintero-Lesmes
COVID-19 Vaccine-induced antibody response to BNT162b2 mRNA in frontline healthcare workers
Elizabeth Carolina González-Morales, Lina María Vera-Cala, Paul Anthony Camacho-López, Juan Camilo Parra-Restrepo
Validity and reliability of the angio-disc protocol for the measurement of vascular density glaucoma
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Jorge Alvarado-Socarras, Edgar Fabián Manrique-Hernández, Luisa Parra Rodas
Neonatal screening: Practices and perception of pediatricians in Colombia
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Review article

Camila Rodríguez-Guevara, Andry Yasmid Mera-Mamián, Diana Isabel Muñoz-Rodríguez, Gino Montenegro-Martínez, Pablo Esteban Roa-Urrutia, Erika Alejandra Giraldo-Gallo
Validity and reliability of instruments for global measurement of disability: Systematic literature review
Alexandra Cortés-Aguilar, Claudia Patricia Cote-Peña, Greissly Cárdenas
Gender equity in healthcare workers: a systematic literature review
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Jaime Enrique Plazas-Román, Manuel Olivera-Correa, Vivi Hoyos-Hoyos
Addressing Candida albicans in dental prosthetics: A systematic analysis of disinfection methods
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Topic Review

Tatiane Ribeiro, Paula Ramírez, Daniele Maria Pelissari, Adriano Tito Souza Vieira, Luís Ricardo Santos de Melo, Gustavo Pereira-Persch , João Guilherme Campêlo Brandim de Sá Lopes, Rafael de Sousa-Alves, Gustavo Alves-Rizzo, Elisama Adorno-Brito, Thiago Santos-Evangelista , Rachel Campos-Ornelas , Aída Rita Tedesco e Silva, Ândrea Pires-Daneris, Larissa Ferraz-Mota , Jade Bento-de Moura, Júlia dos Santos-França , Pedro Nascimento-Martins , Poliana Espindula-da Silva, Karen Kariny-Gomes , Thais Pinheiro-da Costa , Fredi Alexander Diaz-Quijano
Converging Pathways: bringing community, student initiatives, and research during the pandemic.
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Brayan Fabian Mendoza-Landinez, Ivette Karina Freyle-Roman, Bladimiro Rincón-Orozco
Oropouche Virus, an emerging arbovirus seeking prominence in the Americas
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ISSN: 0121-0807     e- ISSN: 2145-8464

Salud UIS journal is a continuous publication of unpublished research results whose mission is to disseminate to local, national and international scale intellectual and literary production of research results in the field of health and related sciences. It has bibliographic exchange with national and international institutions. It is indexed by Minciencias in the Indice Nacional de Publicaciones seriadas, científicas y tecnológicas Colombianas Publindez - Category B.  This journal is open access and free.  

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