Vol. 56 (2024): Salud UIS
Salud UIS

Letters to the Editor

Jorge Homero Wilches Visbal, Oskarly Pérez-Anaya, Midian Clara Castillo-Pedraza
Emerging Journals in the Journal Citation Reports: A Hope Amidst the Publindex Purge
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Article Research and Innovation

Lourdes Andrea Castillo-Moreno, Oscar Leonardo Ramírez-Suárez, Adriana Patricia Corredor-Figueroa
Proposal for an information management system to improve the efficiency of the prevention-and-early-detection process of breast cancer in Colombia
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Nydia Nina Valencia-Jiménez, Jorge Eliecer Ortega-Montes, Adriana Cecilia Cordero-Valencia
Relationship between knowledge, practices and participation in dengue prevention with individual and contextual factors in Colombia
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Liliana Orozco-Castillo, Diana Paola Betancurth-Loaiza, Alexandra Giraldo-Osorio
Peasant family: food unites and feeds
Aminta Stella Casas-Sánchez, Claudia Patricia Serrano-Ruiz
Design of a website as support for the development of telehealth modalities in physiotherapy
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Jerónimo Londoño-Prieto, Paola Vernaza-Pinzón, Rosa Amalia Dueñas-Cuellar, Victoria Eugenia Niño-Castaño, Angie Katherine Rivera-Gómez
Academic stress in university students: The silent epidemic in a health sciences faculty
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Jorge Homero Wilches-Visbal, Midian Clara Castillo-Pedraza
Evaluation of the historical production of Colombian dentistry authors in SCOPUS
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Zulma Urrego-Mendoza, Angie Carolina Natib-Rosero, Geraldine Ramírez-Cuervo
Mental and psychosocial health in survivors of the Bojayá massacre: a narrative study of topics
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Brigitte Migdolia Prieto-Bocanegra, María Paula Rincón-Arango
Experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic of postpartum women, Boyacá, Colombia, 2021
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Nelci Becerra-Martínez, Ruth Asceneth Falla-Rivas, Isabel Cristina Zapata-Soto, Diana Rojas, Yenny Carolina Sánchez-Casas, Lorena Castro-Bonilla, Alberto Márquez, Mauricio Serra-Tamayo
Satisfaction with telehealth care during the COVID-19 pandemic in outpatients
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Lina María García-Zapata , Mercy Soto-Chaquir, Ana Milena Galarza-Iglesias, Liliana Cristina Morales-Viana
Adaptation of an evaluation model for complex interventions in public health
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Francy Cantor-Cruz, Johana Benavides-Cruz, Marcela Erazo-Muñoz, Juan Sebastián Herrera-Alvárez, Marina Alejandra Torres-Hernández, Ana María Castillo-Gutiérrez, Diana Patricia Aranguren-Aranguren, Adriana Acosta-Martínez
Exploring the experience of a hospital care strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative
Marcia Andrea Quiñonez-Mora, Luz Stella Bueno-Robles
Coping capacity and adaptation in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
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Diego Fernando Rosero-Medina, Ingrid Yolercy Troche-Gutiérrez, Luz Omaira Gómez-Tovar
Frequency, risk factors and characteristics of nursing students with intent to drop out of school
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Diego Ivar Álvarez-Hernández, Gerardo Álvarez-Hernández , Mónica Paola Espinoza-Molina , Brenda Judith Millanes-Campa , Patricia Aranda-Gallegos , Maria del Carmen Candia-Plata
Examining social disparities in COVID-19 related deaths through verbal autopsies in Sonora, Mexico
Valentina Lopera-Giraldo, Madelen López-López, Juan Camilo Mejía-Giraldo
How much do commercial sunscreens protect us? in vitro evaluation of photoprotection claim of products marketed in Colombia
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Sergio Andrés Gutiérrez-Moreno, Andrea Arciniegas, Jaime Alejandro Hincapié-García, Elkyn Johan Granados-Vega, Mónica Rivera-Cadavid, Pedro Amariles
Identification of influencers and characterization of the advertising of drugs and dietary supplements in Instagram.
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Alejandra María Franco-Jiménez
Long duration exercise decreases the body oscillations in active older adults
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Gustavo Edgardo Jiménez-Hernández, Yesenia Margarita Peña-Jaramillo
Nursing workload in respiratory care units for COVID-19 patients
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Review article

Alexandra Cortés-Aguilar, Claudia Patricia Cote-Peña, Greissly Cárdenas
Gender equity in healthcare workers: a systematic literature review
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